Today was the day.

This weekend has been rough. And I mean rough.

Friday afternoon I started having major pains. I felt like I was going to throw up. Cramps that felt like contractions, back ache, leg pains. My entire body hurt.

A good friend picked up dinner for us because my husband wasn’t home and none of my older kids were either. Another friend dropped off a heating pad.

The major pains eased off around 9 pm.

Saturday morning I wasn’t feeling too awful. But again in the afternoon the pains came. Horrible contraction like cramps. Back ache. I couldn’t believe how much pain I was in.

After taking advil and clutching the heating pad, I finally started feeling better. My husband went and picked up dinner and I was finally not in so much pain that I could go to sleep.

Sunday morning, today, I passed a giant mass like nothing I have ever seen before. My first loss was our very first pregnancy. I had gone with my husband to work, he thought it would help me get my mind off of it. So I was in a bathroom of some business he was delivering at when I felt it all come out. I didn’t dare even look because it was not the best bathroom. I was also young and healed so fast from that. I was also only 6 weeks along. My loss before my 3 year old was nothing like this. Yes I bled for 4 months straight but I had retained tissues so I never passed anything more than a large clot here and there. Last March it was a very early loss, I had only known for a week and it was nothing more than a heavy period. This one has been so much more.

I am feeling much better today. Only some backaches and light cramping. So here’s hoping that things are finally progressing the way they should. I will go again on Thursday to have my HCG done. I have to imagine after today it should be quite low. I hope anyway. I am ready for this to just be over. To start feeling like myself again and move on with whatever life brings us. Maybe we can eventually leave the house again…..

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