Just when I think I’m ok

Today a Facebook friend posted some pictures of her belly..she is a week ahead of where I was supposed to be. I realized I would have been 15 weeks pregnant this week. Almost 4 months. It’s like a stab in my heart. I’m still having to get my weekly bloodwork.  This week my HCG was 9. I’m happy it was so low but so very sad at the same time. I wanted that baby so very much. Despite my concerns about my weight and my hernia, I was so excited..

I’m trying to just keep busy. Working with the boys and schoolwork. Clean the house. It’s hard when we’re stuck at home. I can’t even be excited about my preschool because I don’t even know if I’ll be able to reopen. Preschool is something that keeps my mind busy. Planning and making things. But as it looks right now I won’t be opening before September.  And maybe not even then. If parents are afraid to send their kids then I have no one to teach. And that makes me even more upset about losing this baby. At least when I thought a baby was coming I had a little hope.

The longer we’re trapped in this house the more alone I feel. The days get harder.  The house gets messier, the boys get wilder.

I don’t have a lot of friends but the ones I do, I miss. I miss our walks and talks at playgroup.  I miss watching Lucas playing with his friends.  I miss those smiling little faces when they come in my door. I miss my boys not feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

I don’t think life is ever going back. But I have watched the teachers in Quebec talking about what school will look like for them as they reopen. I cried. I can’t send my children to that. Everything they loved about school will be gone. I worry about the fall. We have two going to college, will they even be able? One will be in 12th grade, another in 8th. Will they get all the special moments? Will my oldest daughter’s business survive this? I feel like hers and my businesses have been crushed by this shutdown.  And sadly, we’re not alone.

And it’s snowing today. I guess it matches my mood.

Today was the day.

This weekend has been rough. And I mean rough.

Friday afternoon I started having major pains. I felt like I was going to throw up. Cramps that felt like contractions, back ache, leg pains. My entire body hurt.

A good friend picked up dinner for us because my husband wasn’t home and none of my older kids were either. Another friend dropped off a heating pad.

The major pains eased off around 9 pm.

Saturday morning I wasn’t feeling too awful. But again in the afternoon the pains came. Horrible contraction like cramps. Back ache. I couldn’t believe how much pain I was in.

After taking advil and clutching the heating pad, I finally started feeling better. My husband went and picked up dinner and I was finally not in so much pain that I could go to sleep.

Sunday morning, today, I passed a giant mass like nothing I have ever seen before. My first loss was our very first pregnancy. I had gone with my husband to work, he thought it would help me get my mind off of it. So I was in a bathroom of some business he was delivering at when I felt it all come out. I didn’t dare even look because it was not the best bathroom. I was also young and healed so fast from that. I was also only 6 weeks along. My loss before my 3 year old was nothing like this. Yes I bled for 4 months straight but I had retained tissues so I never passed anything more than a large clot here and there. Last March it was a very early loss, I had only known for a week and it was nothing more than a heavy period. This one has been so much more.

I am feeling much better today. Only some backaches and light cramping. So here’s hoping that things are finally progressing the way they should. I will go again on Thursday to have my HCG done. I have to imagine after today it should be quite low. I hope anyway. I am ready for this to just be over. To start feeling like myself again and move on with whatever life brings us. Maybe we can eventually leave the house again…..

It’s finally happening.

Monday I started spotting. Yesterday it was heavier. It’s been on and off since but finally it’s happening.

I go today for another hcg blood draw. I will know by morning what the numbers are. But I think it’s finally here.

It’s been a hard, emotional week. For the rest of my family this pregnancy ended 5 weeks ago. For me, it’s finally just starting to end. I hope it goes quickly and without complications. I just want my body to do it on its own and I can move on with our lives and grieve our lost baby. Most likely was our last chance. Two in a row makes it more real.

And that’s the hardest part….

Having a rough day

Today has been a hard one. My 3 year old woke up early so  I’m extra tired. My other boys have not been listening. Today was also my weekly blood draw. The woman working at the lab feels sorry for me. Every week she says she was hoping I wouldn’t have to come again. Me too. Me too.

I don’t have the best experience with getting my blood taken. I have terrible veins. This woman is good though and has pretty good luck mostly.

Today it was very painful.  My arm still hurts. She said she could see the hole from last week and was basically exactly in the same spot. She told me the longer I go the more painful it can be. I might develop scar tissue. Next week she’s going to try my left arm.

I’m just reliving my last loss, without the 4 month bleeding. I’m honestly not sure which is worse. Now I’m just waiting every day for it to start. Then I was waiting every day for it to end.

5 weeks now

It’s been 5 weeks today since that ultrasound that told me my pregnancy wasn’t viable.

FIVE WEEKS and yet still no sign it is ending. I am so grateful I had that ultrasound. I could have been sitting and waiting like the last time, planning and excited. I am so glad I got my doctor to order the ultrasound. As awful as those moments were, I know there is no life growing inside of me. I know it will end.

Trying to pretend everything is normal for my family is the hardest part. None of them really know. None of them understand what I am emotionally going through every single day. My daughters are great. They know when I need a hug and I know I can talk to them about it. But I also don’t want them to be sad either. I know they were excited about another baby. Yes, they actually were lol.

Being trapped at home has made this so much worse. I can’t go out to keep myself busy. I stay at home and try to get through each day. Hopefully it won’t be much longer…

It’s been almost a month now….

I should be almost 11 weeks pregnant,  well technically I am. But it stopped developing many weeks ago.  I have a standing order at the lab to go for bloodwork.  I go every Thursday morning.  Usually when I leave I drive home and sit and cry in the van before I go inside.

My hcg finally started dropping last week. By about 10,000 then again another 10,000 this week. So it looks like I’ve got over a week left still of this to go.

I haven’t told many people.  My mom, a couple close friends.  I know what people think. I know what they say. Believe it or not, they’ve said it to my face during past losses. Maybe you shouldn’t have anymore.  Appreciate the children you have. Maybe it’s your age.

Think every thought you have but one word of advice, never tell a grieving woman these words. It destroys them, it destroys friendships. It hurts more than you can you ever imagine.

Yes I’m extremely lucky. I have 7 amazing, healthy children.  I don’t take that for granted. I don’t not appreciate them. There is nothing wrong with my being sad about a loss. This is my 4th miscarriage.  With as many children as I’ve had that’s probably not an abnormal amount. If you’ve never been through it, I pray you never have to.

I don’t care about your opinion.  I don’t care if you don’t think I should have anymore.

And if you’re having a baby and I’m distant, I’m sorry.  I don’t mean to be. It’s not that I’m not happy for you. It’s just my heart is breaking.

Here I am again.

I know my writing is few and far between. Life if so busy and I hate trying to use my phone for typing. I much prefer my computer. But Tyleigh stole my laptop a few years ago.

A few weeks ago, I guess it was maybe a month now, I found out we were expecting. We’d talked about another but weren’t really sure. Last winter I had a very early miscarriage so I didn’t know if I would ever get pregnant again.

But I did. I was very anxious but also so happy. Yes I am older. Yes I have 7 kids. But also yes being a mom is everything I am.

I wasn’t in a rush to see my doctor but finally did. I wasn’t totally sure on my dates because of all that’s been going on with Tyleigh and life. So my dr ordered an ultrasound. A week later I showed up and was ready to see that beating little heart.

Only I didn’t. And I knew right away. She asked again my possible dates. She was only seeing an empty gestational sac. All I could think was, no, not this, not again.

She wanted to do an internal to be sure so I had to go to the bathroom and change. As I turned around to flush I saw it, a bit of blood in the water. I sat down and wiped again, Pink. My heart sank.

I told the ultrasound tech about the blood. Sure enough there was a bit more after the internal ultrasound. And of course, she only saw that empty sac.

In this nightmare world that we are going through, besides my children, I had one little bit of happiness, that baby that would be coming in October. And now that was all gone.

I sat in my van and cried as I called my husband. I just sat and cried. We’d only told the older kids so I had to tell them. Tyleigh was watching Lucas and they were outside when I got home. She knew something was wrong and just hugged me as I cried.

At dinner that night we told the little boys so they would know why I was crying all the time, for no reason.

Mason has since still asked me when we are going to have another baby, he did it before we told him too.

And yet again my body is failing me. Not just that I am having a miscarriage but that my body doesn’t want to let it go.

My hcg levels are not dropping. After that one day I have not bled. Three blood draws later and another ultrasound and I know it isn’t viable but my body hasn’t gotten the clue. I wait every day for it to begin. Hoping today is the day. I had my blood done again today. My hcg went up 707 in 6 days. That’s better than the just over 1700 it did in 44 hours last week, but it’s still going the wrong way.

At this point, I am tired. I’m sad. I’m angry. I’m alone. I’m worried about all the world around us. I am trying so hard to just get by and keep busy but we can’t leave our house, we can go outside in the yard but we can’t go to parks. I can’t even go grocery shopping. I’m anxious and sad.

Leave it up to me to have a miscarriage during a pandemic.

This time last year

Last year this was one of my hardest times of my life.  September 3, I started the day excited. I was having my first ultrasound. We thought I was about 9 weeks pregnant but weren’t sure on dates so my doctor had me going to an ultrasound. I was finally going to find out my due date and see the little person growing inside of me.

I drove there with Tyleigh and Mason, because Mason was too difficult to leave home. He wasn’t much better in the waiting room, screaming the entire time.

When I went back to get my ultrasound I was so excited, a little nervous because I hadn’t been feeling sick much but didn’t actually think anything serious was wrong. When the tech looked I knew something was wrong. I watched the screen and just knew.

The sac was empty. There was no baby growing where a baby should be. He tried an internal ultrasound hoping that the baby was just in a different angle. But still nothing.  He said it was a blighted ovum. I had heard the word before but I had no idea what it meant.  I sat there crying, all alone. And then had to go out into the waiting room where my kids were and wait, in a room full of pregnant women, for the tech to get my dr on the phone to find out what they wanted me to do.  Waiting for what seemed like forever, holding back my tears, not wanting to say a word to Tyleigh because I knew I would break down crying.

When we left I tried to tell her and just cried. My doctor wanted to see me so I had to then drive there. And called my husband to tell him. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I never expected this to happen. We lost our first baby in Feb 1998, so many years ago. I had 6 healthy pregnancies since then. Who would think I would lose another?

The following months were even worse though. I bled for months. I had to tell my family doctor I thought I had retained tissues. He dismissed it but agreed to let me get an ultrasound. I was right.  For months I was emotionally a mess. My body wouldn’t let go of the remaining tissues and kept coming back with positive pregnancy tests. I felt completely alone.  I would talk to my husband sometimes, but after months I worried he was tired of hearing me go on and cry about it. He never said that of course, and always told me to tell him how I felt.  It’s something no one could understand. Not only did a have a miscarriage but it wouldn’t end.  I cried myself to sleep every night. I started worrying something was wrong with me, more than just the retained tissues, never google when you are going through this. I feared I would never have another baby.  Near the end of November I saw my OB. We were going on vacation for two weeks to Florida and I was so afraid of it being a mistake, of something bad happening while I was away.  He said he thought things were ending, my hcg numbers were dropping, so slowly, but they were dropping. He wanted me to wait and see if it ended on it’s own. And told me to go enjoy my vacation. That was good to hear because I didn’t want the risk of a d&c anyway.  Any trauma to my uterus could cause me to not have a successful following pregnancy.  We went to Florida and of course I started bleeding again.  Much heavier towards the end of our trip.  I kept testing and kept getting positives.  Finally on my birthday, Dec 14, I got a negative test. I had never in my life been so happy to get a negative!

I think though, that at that point was when the sadness really came. I should’ve been almost ready to have a baby and I wasn’t. April came and my heart was broken. It took a long time to feel like I was healing, finally when May hit I was starting to feel like me again. Although I had ruined all my weightloss from the summer before and gained a lot of weight, I was finally able to not cry every time I thought of that time.  I think the hardest part was that the baby never formed and was never there and to me, there was a baby. To my heart there was a little person growing there, so knowing there wasn’t was the worst part for me. We’d been making plans and talking about names before we found out. We were honestly excited about this new little person. So hearing that there was no little person ever there was the hardest moments of all.  I was told so many times, it doesn’t matter that the baby never formed, that to me it was there and it was ok to grieve that loss.  I did have some wonderful online friends that helped me through it. But in real life I had to go through the motions of being ok and not breaking down in tears every time I talked to someone. I pretended I was fine and took care of my kids and no one knew otherwise. It was a very sad time for me.  It’s not something that is easy to get over. When I had my first miscarriage, I thought that was hard. And it was. But it didn’t compare to my pain this time. Maybe that’s because I knew what I’d lost, after having babies. Maybe it’s because I am older and worried about the idea of never having another. I can’t say.

Near the end of June, right before Father’s Day actually, we got a surprise. We had talked on an off about the idea of having another. The worry of what if we had complications weighed heavily on both of us. Whether we should even try to have another baby. At the time I got a positive, I wasn’t actually expecting it.  I’d had very strange cycles and never even noticed when I ovulated.  I can usually tell very obviously.  So I was surprised and so excited.  I normally tell my husband immediately. But since Father’s day was 2 days away I waited. The wait was killing me.  But it was the perfect day to tell him he was going to be a daddy once again.

I am now 15 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Where I live you don’t typically see an OB until much later in your pregnancy so I have been seeing my family doctor. He hasn’t been very good about things. Normally you’d get an early ultrasound after a loss to make sure things were fine but I had to wait until 12 weeks. I was so scared and worried. That day I felt like I was going to throw up, and not because of morning sickness. When I saw my little baby moving and it’s heart beating, a weight lifted off of me and I couldn’t help but cry. I explained why I was so nervous and the tech said the baby had a strong heartbeat.

We are all excited about this new member of our family. I can imagine what people say, we have a lot of kids, but I really don’t care. My husband and I raise them, take care of them and love them with every bit of who we are.  They aren’t perfect, no one is, and we are doing the best we can. I just hope everyone is as happy for us as they say they are, because this is a life to be celebrated, as all of our babies are.

This will be our last baby.  That makes me sad.  But I know my health is more important. If I didn’t have c-sections I’d probably have a dozen. When I had my first baby, I found my place in this world. I can’t imagine being anything else but a mom. Sure I have days where I wish I could do something more and maybe someday I will. But these little (and not so little anymore) people are my world. Which is also why I know we shouldn’t have anymore. As of my 12 week ultrasound my placenta was anterior and at the top. I go to see my OB next week. I am expecting him to book my big ultrasound and we will know for sure by then what my placenta has decided to do. I have had no issues so far at all.  I have been sick for a long time and tired but otherwise everything is going well.  I am waiting to see again if that’s still the case. My biggest fear is that it will get stuck to my placenta and put both me and the baby at risk. But for now I am going to enjoy growing this little person, when it doesn’t exhaust me and make me sick all day. I am going to look forward to the day I get to hold him(no we don’t know it’s a boy but after 4 boys in a row I am expecting it).

I will try to do better and post more on this journey.  Life gets so busy….


Fingers crossed…

I don’t want to say it too soon, but I think my miscarriage is finally over!

Today I have had tiny spots, only tiny, almost nothing! Almost 4 months it’s been, 4 months of seeing things come out that you should never have to see. The worry, the anxiety, the sadness, well the sadness is still not gone but I can start to feel better and not bleed for weeks at a time. It was 3 1/2 weeks this time. In 4 months time I have had about 4 weeks of not bleeding. I think my body might finally have gotten rid of it all. It’s a sense of relief but complete sadness too. Something I was so happy for, something that was supposed to be over half way there, has finally ended.

And not knowing where we go from here, whether to try again or end it here. I know what my heart wants….

The miscarriage from hell.

I never imagined something could last so long and be so completely painful emotionally.

It has been almost 4 months since I had that awful ultrasound telling me I had a blighted ovum. I thought at that time that by January we would be able to start thinking of trying again. How wrong I was.

The roller coaster my body has had me on the past 4 months has been cruel and lonely. I have only ever gone through the one other loss and that was 17 years ago, it was nothing like this. I also went on birth control right away and my cycle went back to normal quickly. I got pregnant soon after without planning it. This time has been a blur of emotions and fears.

All of Sept I bled. The first 2 weeks very heavily, the last 2 was spotting. I stopped bleeding the beginning of Oct. 28 days later I started spotting again. I thought yay! My period is coming back. I was so wrong. For the next month I was spotting constantly. My family dr sent me to get an ultrasound. I was concerned I had retained tissues because my HCG beta wasn’t dropping very well. He thought I was just getting back to normal and my body was trying to have a period. He was wrong.

They discovered I did have retained tissues. I was going on vacation in a week, to Florida from Canada, for 2 weeks, so I needed something decided. My gynecologist saw me and did a couple of ultrasounds.  I was spotting on and off. My numbers were dropping, slowly but finally dropping.  the result of his ultrasound looked good, but he didn’t do an internal. I went away on vacation with no spotting and feeling like things were finally on its way to being over.

After I was in Florida for less than a week the spotting started again. I thought it must just be the beginning of the end. By the end of the second week I was passing tissues and bleeding heavily. I was hoping it was a period.

On Dec. 14, my 39th birthday, I got my first negative pregnancy test since July. I was so happy. I thought this must be it, it’s almost over!

Since then the spotting is still there and sometimes pretty heavy, I am also passing tissues.  It actually seems like I have experienced a second miscarriage. Not in the sense that I got pregnant and lost another but that it never finished so I am going through it all again.

I feel so lost and alone. I have no one that I talk to about it, except my poor husband. The tissue had gotten stuck to the inside of my c-section scar, which is also why the dr didn’t see anything when he did the ultrasound before our trip.

My plan now is to wait through this week because I am losing tissue and the bleeding is darker, I am hoping its the last of it and will be done by Monday. And if it isn’t then Monday I call my dr again and ask for another ultrasound to see if there is something left.

I never imagined it could go on this long. I know, normally women have a d & c, I don’t want that. I have had 6 c-sections, 6 times having trauma to my uterus. If I have another procedure, the d&c, that is one more procedure and it scares me that it would be one more thing why I shouldn’t have one last baby. We haven’t decided to go ahead with another baby right now anyway just because of the worries that this did get stuck and I don’t want to end up with placenta accreta. My dr talked to me about it and did make me feel better about it if that did happen with a future pregnancy. I know we can’t know the future. Right now I just want to get through now, to get past this, to feel normal and back to myself. I keep telling myself that it’s almost over, and I keep thinking that, but it just doesn’t feel like it…..